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Tripod help


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As you might of remembered, i bought a Yashicamat not too long ago,

and happy to report that it still super sharp and camera wise, it

works fine. However, I had a problem getting it on the tripod.


The tripod lug is in the middle of the round latch that opens and

closes the film loader. So there is little problem getting it on the

tripod, but taking it off causes the latch to open, which both causes

horrid light leak issues, but also resets the film counter and thus

ruins the roll of film. So basicly, what am I doing wrong?

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The only thing you're doing wrong is using the tripod ;{)


This is the MOST frustrating thing about the Yashicamats... and they

never fixed it. The only work around is to put a QR plate on the bottom

and always use that...


BTDT - didn't like it then, but the camera was really good otherwise,

built like a truck (unfortunately the doors wouldn't stay shut...oh well).

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I've never heard of a camera which came open while being removed from a tripod.


One solution might be a quick-release system. This consists of a small plate which is left on the camera and a 'receiving' plate mounted on the tripod. This should eliminate your problem. Bogen makes some reasonably priced units. If you look into this, be sure to check that the camera plate will not interfer with any controls, etc. on your camera.


Good luck -- hope this helps.

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Hi Zachariah,

I ran into the same problem with my Yashica 24 TLR. When I switched to an Arca style release system, I went to www.reallyrightstuff.com and bought the B18 mounting plate. The mounting plate fits nicely between the silver pegs on the bottom of the camera and the slot in the plate allows for a bit of adjustment.

Once you find what you need, that's one less hassle to contend with. Enjoy your Yashica,



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Thanks for the input!


I have found a way to deal with this issue, namily, my tripod has a removabel "head" (not sure what its offically called) and instead of swapping out my cannon and Yasciamat on the same head, I have a extra one and have one on each. Its workable till I decide I am fed up with it and go off and get a quick release mount.


Never the less, I do enjoy using both my full Auto canon SRL with zoom, and a totally manual TRL, each has its own charms.

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