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Series 7 filter problems


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I have a lens which takes Series 7 filters. I have been unable to find

any adapters that will allow me to mount up my normal filters to it.

If such a thing exists where could I find an adapter that would allow

me to mount my 77mm filters to this lens?


If there is no adapter, does anyone have any suggestions on how to

locate the standard color filters for B/W photography in the Series 7



Thanks, Derek

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What Derck wants is actually very rare. He wants a stepping ring that has Series VII MALE threads and say, 52mm FEMALE threads.


What B&H and others sell today are the revese. These screw into 52mm and then let you use Series VII filters with your lens.


In the 70's I used a Hasselblad 1000F with the 80 Ektar. The Ektar lens uses Series 7 filters. I bought a Series VII to 52mm adapter ring from Spiratone. They were the only ones who had them in 1976 that I could find.


SK Grimes cane make one but it will cost $50 or more for a Series VII to 77mm. Try www.skgrimes.com


I still have the Series VII to 52mm ring but I do not want to part with it.

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Derek, Series filters are drop in filters and therefore have no threads. You need a series 7 retaining ring. This should be available at any decent camera store. Series filters are freely available from B+W; Heliopan; Tiffen;Hoya.etc. Alternatively just get a series 7 to 77mm filter adapter. If you have difficulty locating one, though I don't think you will, try the website for "srb".

This company is in the UK and will have or make an adapter to just about fit anything. Some years ago they made me an adapter to fit a Tamron lens to a Leica R body. This before Tamron made them. They actually used a Leica R lens mount as the rear and adapted the front to accept the Tamron lens. Probably the only stainless steel Tamron lens mount around!


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If you can't find series VII filters but can find a retaining ring, you can drop MOST brands of 49mm filters in and it will work. I wouldn't do this for an ultra-wide lens, but for anything else you should be OK.


BTW - 99% of my filters are series VII or VIII. If you REALLY want to use a 77mm filter on a lens designed for series VII (series VII filters are 2" in diameter), you can make an adapter yourself. Get an extra series VII retaining ring and a 52-77 step-up ring. Use some epoxy to attach the step-up ring to the front of the series VII retaining ring.


I made a series VII filter adapter for a very old B&L Rapid Rectilinear by using a gel cyanoacrylate to attach a 50mm series VII ring onto a 1 3/8" slip on series VI adapter. I figured the odds of EVER needing the 50mm ring was between slight and none...

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