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Leica CEO to Step Down

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>They are the perfect partner for Leica. Leica could provide lenses for all these product lines, and Kodak name would be reinforced. <P>


Not a bad idea. One problem though: Kodak already is partnered with Schneider - just like they were in the 1950s-60s.<P>


>Besides, Kodak could keep their full frame line of DSRL cameras with Nikon and Canon mounts (I think they will not do it in the long run, anyway).<P>


I don't think Kodak has any cameras in Canon mount. Besides, I can't see how Leica can make lenses in Nikon mount, or how Kodak's F-mount cameras <b>won't</b> continue <b>except</b> for a Kodak-Leica partnership.

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Many forget that Kodak / Fuji make the 4/3 format that really should dominate dslrs if optical engineering is driving the bus. Doesn't need to be a tiny 4/3, could be slightly bigger than 35mm and still use Nikon or Leica optics.


Kodak has long had ties with Minolta as well, and it would have zero difficulty making world-beating optics if it cared.


I think Kodak is actually the strongest player for the long haul in digital because it controls the best format.

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>>>Hopefully, Leica will end up making a great investment in digital<<<


Leica can be as hopeful as they wish, but they are a tiny company and it is not likely that

they can compete effectively by investing huge amounts of money in digital against such

comparative giants as Canon and Nikon. Whoever the current or future investors are, they

are not likely to follow your hopeful advice which will only lose them tons of money. The

best they could would be to team up with another company (like Panasonic, Imacon or

another one), or stay out of digital altogether.


By the way, I tried to write Matsush*ta but this inane board would not accept this name

because it found the s-word in it!



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The forbes article illustrates the case beautifully,as it reminds me of another "Classic something" story.It is about another German company.


Porsche was going through similar difficulties more than twenty years back.There were different stories about was going to happen to the valued German brand.


At that time , Porsche had the 924,928 water cooled engine sitting in the "wrong place', the front of the car.They had their legendary 911 as well with air cooled engine sitting in the back.


For the next 10 years or more they concentrated on improving their classic model, the 911,while abandoning the 924 and 928 models.


Reading about the loss making R8's,I'm not sur about the digital cameras' division makes me wonder if a similar strategy is needed.


By concentrating on your money making "classic", and improving it,may be they can salvage the company.I think, Leica fans are very happywith the M6,M7 and especially, the MP.I have a 8-9 yr old M6, and I'm very happy with it and so are so many Leica M users.We don't have to pay for the effort to sell to to digital crowd or the SLR users.


may be leica can get some help or advise from Porsche as a starting point.


Kamal alyousuf

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