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Shoe Shine Photo Required

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How big will it run? how about someone using a shoe shine box to polish a horses hoof. Or maybe shooting a pair of shoes with a bright highlight on them to show how shiny they are.What about a glass shoe?

If it runs small it will have to be something large to read well in the photo. What about shining the Big red shoes that clowns wear?Or put dogs feet into a 2 pairs of shoes? Just some Ideas.

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Yes Art; we English have a saying; "where there's muck theres brass"... you would not believe how much cash a good shoe shine make in a day.. deduct salary and what other expenses do you have... or deduct rental for the stand and the pitch etc etc..


Thanks, Michael; they are some great ideas we hadn't thought of... My problem though is that we need a professionally shot photo. i dont have the resources (ability and studio) to do this, so i'm actually after an existing photo... i've searched the stock librarys until i dont want to see another pair of shoes in my life but nothing that could front a general shoe shine flyer...

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Why not just hire a photographer that works in advertising for small magazines? They often do creative ad work for small companies. I do this sort of thing quite often. Compamies usually use my ideas (I submit 4-5 ideas before I begin shooting) and they pay my 1/2 or full day rate plus materials expenses. Do you have a photographer in the UK that you might be able to use for this?

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I am hoping not to have to go to the expense of hiring a photographer... considering i should be able to do that if it proves necessary...

Sorry if i wasn't clear; i dont needa logo, but need to find a picture that captures ShoeShining and that would look good on a 1 page flyer advertising the firm... Our angle is 'Classic Style in a Modern Era' and i am thinking of a victorian gent having his shoes cleaned (not by a child - can be too easily associated with child labour), or just a clean stylish pair of shoes... much harder to find than i first imagined...

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I suggest caution. I have a national shoe shine business, and am currently pursuing one unethical individual for 'passing off' their business as mine, having replicated designs for which I paid a great sum of money, designs which I enhanced. (They have also imitated my registered trademark.) My business represents an investment of 11 years, and employs 14 people. I would be unhappy to say the least if anyone tried to capitalize on my work, as you would be if someone tried to profit by your work. Last week some 'gentelmen' from the UK tried not only to photograph my chairs without permission, nor an offer of money, but also tried to secure confidential information from my operator. These are just my thoughts.
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