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Canon EOS 20D, upgrading from a Fuji S7000

gary w. graley

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I'm on the fence, while I own a great film body in the EOS 1n, I made

the leap into digital in July 2004, so much fun to get images so

quickly! Now I've sold some things and about have the funds to move

up to a Canon EOS 20D but am reluctant to do so, as the Fuji doesn't

do too bad that I can tell, and wonder just how much handier going to

the 20D will provide me? <BR> So has anyone done what I'm considering

doing? Going from a lesser digital up to the 20D?<BR>Thanks in


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go for it! BUT don't go trading 'buying film' for 'buying cameras' I've shot digital (true beer budget shooting) 7 years and now have 5 cameras!


If you know your Fuji S7000 inside and out fine, but unless you know and have shot your present camera to the point of exaustion hold off.


Of course the last 7 years there have been so many changes............ 'why I own 5 cameras'.

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Thanks guys, I've handled an EOS 10D of a friends, one I was also tempted to get but then the 20D showed up and that has pretty high marks. <br>I have the following len's for the EOS system<br>24mm<br>35mm<br>50mm<br>85mm<br>35-135mm<br>100-300mm<br>but nothing real wide, so I figure I'd have to get one of the kit zooms?<br>As to knowing the Fuji, as well as I can, use it with white lightning strobes as well as ambient light, some noise, but not too bad.<br>I've heard that the 20D is practically noiseless. <br>The wait might be the better thing, prices can and will come down and new models will appear, I have my EOS 1n film body up forsale at a low price of $475 shipped, figured if I sold that, it would tip over the scales and I'd go for the 20D and be dedicated into the digital world, leaving me with an old 620 film body.<br><br>The other thing is, beside the body and a kit lens, I would also have to cough up for a new flash as my 540EZ won't cut it.<br>Again, thanks for your input!<br>G2
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Here is a shot I recently took with the Fuji, custom blade by a fellow named John Perry, ebony handle, hand forged blade<br>

<a href="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/GaryWGraley/Sale/perryfull2.jpg">Perry knife</a><br>

<br>It's a large image, so fair warning, still much smaller than out of the camera, which is 12meg interpolated<br>G2

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I just sold my Fuji s7000 to my mother a month ago and got a 20D and have never looked back. Apart from the from the in-built macro, I don't miss it at all.


20D - heaps cleaner shots - anyway you look at them (obviously excellent at high ISO, now night shots are easy), better battery life, far more accurate exposure meter (I found at times the fuji exposure meter would flounder and I'd only get the true exposure while focusing), so much faster it almost makes me choke, more accurate and controllable focusing, better system for changing functions.


Don't get me wrong, the fuji did everything I needed, but it was markedly harder to do it with and slower, and less accurate.


Take the leap, you won't regret it...

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OK, I'm going for it, but now the best place to get the full gamut of things needed?<br>B&H, Adorama or Buydig, any one of those have higher marks than the other?<br>What I have decided to get are the following; <br>

EOS 20D<br>

one of the kit wide angle lens<br>

1 or 2 Gig disk?<br>

550EX flash<br>

the charger should come with the camera but will get an additional batter<br>

card reader, good thing right?<br>

that should bring me up into the $2500 range or less I hope, as that is what funds I think I can manage at this time, any help is appreciated, I may also post my Fuji S7000 up forsale as well<br>

again, thanks guys, pushing me over the edge, fun eh?


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I have also quite a bit of camera equipment from Amazon with no trouble. Adorama and BH are also great sources. Never tried KEH, but I hear they are great. Now I just feel pangs of guilt because I could have clicked on the support photo.net links and actualy kick something back to the community.

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Thanks Alfredo! the camera JUST arrived, had to wait a bit for the camera to warm up, traveling it was quite cold and I didn't want to zap anything with condensation from the temperature change! VERY nice camera, a little intimidating to say the least! The fuji was pretty intuitive to use, where this is a handful!<br>I got the battery grip, tried to use my rechargeables and the camera went plunk, didn't like them, so now I'm charging the battery and then I'll charge the extra battery that I bought.<br>I also got two 1 gig high speed cards, should do me I think. Also got the strap, very comfortable to use. Now to read the manual while the battery is charging up. AND my firm ware was the latest as well, 1.1.0 so that was a bit of a relief! Don't have to mess with that!<br>Oh to get an 'L' lens now {:-)<br>G2
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Forgot to say, nice shot!<br>I needed to sell the Fuji in order to fund this purchase :-( otherwise I'd not have sold it, but then, if I kept it, I might never use it, would be collecting dust, so best to move it now while I only had it a few months. As for macro, I use a couple of Nikon 6T filters or a Raynox closeup filter, very nice stuff.<br>G2
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