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Vivitar 285 as barebulb: neutral color?

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Good day,


This is further to my question "Vivitar 285 - yellowing of diffuser" (see 22

threads below.)


I got the Vivitar 285 and rigged it into a barebulb. Now the yellow tube cover

(to neutralize a bluish tube output?) is gone. I will only have the chance

next week to test it with slide film for.


If the light turned out blue, what gel filter # should I use around the tube

to produce a white light?


I hope there are some among you who found such a solution and I thank you for

your responses in advance.



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The 285 HV may be the most hacked and modified flash ever made. If you are interested,check in to the history of the Steussy Associates custom modification of that flash known once as the NVS-1. What I don't know,because I am naive about bare bulb flash is whether it takes a round flashtube and a circular pattern to achieve the lighting effect desired. Anybody know? I am going to experiment with bare bulb,following Monte Zucker tutorial,and will use the Quantum T5d, a wee more pricey, for this purpose.

As to the Viv color temperature,I would wonder about any gel except something purposely made for hot lights--you know,those tubes get mighty hot...

I admire your experimentation. Me too. Post some photos when you get done. (And you can always consider a way to "paint" the flashtube with a blue aniline dye. Just don't become the electrical ground for the flashtube,Nab. HV means HV) Cheers..GS

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One of the traditional purposes for a bare bulb was to get light to go 360 degrees and reflect from the surfaces of the room, think of a light bulb w/o a reflector, base side down. Or your Q-Flash w/o the reflector amied straight up.


An opened 285 is not the bare bulb flash as I recall it.


It would take some experimenting to see how the light is improved from using a Sto-Fen or a layer of handkerchief or white rip-stop nylon.


Aloha from an ex-pat now in Calif.


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