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I got one!


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My 50/1.4 ASPH showed up yesterday. Beautiful thing, but the focus felt pretty dry, and

the aperture ring is loose enough that I've bumped it off it's setting several times by

accident. A little lame. Haven't seen any film yet. I'll post when I do. If the lens checks out

optically, I'll probably send it in under passport to be re-lubed, and have the aperture

tightened up.

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try to always buy leica cameras and lenses in person. there is a

lot of habd assemble and so each one feels different. where

that is impossible, b&h and others allow you to purchase

multiples and return the examples you don't want. b&h is great

about refunds. never takes more than a day or two.

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I did pick it up in person, but Rich Pinto only got one lens in. So it seemed to be take it or

leave it. The focus has loosened up a bit, but it doesn't have that velvet feel that makes it

easy to focus quickly and accurately.

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Very funny Paul. As I too expected, it has loosened up a little, but it still has that "hang"

before it gets moving. Anyway, the tab is pretty nice to have, and the little hood seems to

stay out, but I don't know how much good it will do against stray light. I'm going to hit the

lab monday night, and see film on tuesday. I'll post more there.


And Del, I'm glad you are loving the 50. The 35/1.2 is pretty interesting. Different look

than the Leica ASPHs and very pretty and smooth.

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Also, I don't know if any of you have seen the back end of this thing. Pretty weird. The cam

rotates, and is cut, as opposed to moving in and out, there are a couple of pins keeping

the cam and the rear cell helicoids aligned, just like the 50 aniversary cron - I think erwin

has a picture of that on his website. If I can scan the rear mount really quickly I will.

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I'm not sure it is good idea to exchange it for a different one, these lenses are in very short supply and you may have to wait quite a while. The stiff focussing usually loosens up significantly with usage. It's not a permanent problem. If their products didn't have some pecularities, it wouldn't be Leica.
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The focusing on mine was stiff when I got it, but the aperture ring wasn't loose like on yours. My only disappointment with it, is that the little red dot fell off after 1 week. I was tempted to send it backunder passport to have them glue it back on, but decided to wait until I broke it in proper.
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Hey Jason,


Do your tests...but you are free to return it if it isn't up to par.


I'm sorry I don't have one to exchange ...but we barely get any at all... so I have no idea when the next one will be available.



Of course I have no idea from one lens to the next if they may be better or not. BTW, I wouldn't have the aperture tightened. That is pretty much how they all have been and I think how they should be.


I don't know about the focus. It might loosen up or maybe not? Well of course if you do keep it, you have three years of passport as well.



Lastly, if you send it in under passport, let me know and I'll try to follow up with Leica for you.




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By the way everyone, as I wait for the results from the last optical test ( 1m accuracy) I'd

just like to say that Rich at Photovillage is very cool. In addition to hooking me up with this

lens, he has been helping me with other more obscure leica screw mount issues, which

won't really make him any money, but he is just as enthusiastic about those things, as he

is about me being happy with my 50 ASPH. Thanks Rich, you've got yourself a customer

for good.

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