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You are not supposed to know who gave what rating. This is to prevent idiots from retaliating if low scores are given. Unfortunately some of the idiots concerned spend their time monitoring the two lists and trying to figure out who is giving which rating by looking for correlations in the data as it changes, totally defeating the whole purpose of not tying ratings to raters.
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I think it is good to know who rates your photos, even if I do no commit so-called "revenge rating". It is interesting to see what kind of pictures the person who rated you takes. Although I guess that you could just browse the list of raters and just appreciate (or not) their work.
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I find meaningful comments given about my work much more constructive then if someone just left a rating without a comment. But, that is the subject of numerous other posts so we won't get started on that again :). If I have the time, I do browse and comment on work of people who have left comments and (if I still have the time) the work of people who have rated my work without leaving comments. I am not really worried about who left what rating - even low ones. Photos are highly subjective, and its only natural that my work does not appeal to everybody. M
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I think it is a good tool to know who rates what rate for the reason mentioned above by Daniel Powers. Understanding the perspective and experience of the rater lends the possibility of insight. A 3/3 from person 'A' can carry different meaning then person 'B'.


To trade that off so that those who rate feel safe from those they rated is a value judgement as to whose concerns the business wants most to respond. That judgement has been made. It is the same judgement that I would make as the business.


As an individual, I'd prefer the other way.

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I agree with Keith. You can watch the two lists after submitting yoru work for critique, refreshing every few minutes and keeping ongoing lists to see who rated what (I was bored at work one day, give me a break!!) but it all it will do is aggrivate you. I always assume my 2s come from the people on my list that have blow-you-away portfolios. Compared to their work, mine is a 2. If I could see that it was coming from the people with nothing up, it would annoy me.
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