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Are Sigma 105 f2.8 EX and EOS 3 compatility?


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I need a macro lens for close-up and macro work for my cats and other applications. The macro 100mm made by Canon is a too old design for me(especially no IF), and it seems it is unlikely that Canon will release any new macro lens in this focal length soon. So, I search for other alternatives, obviously the one made by Sigma seems to be quite good. My only worry is the compatibility issue between EOS 3 and the lens. I personally had a very bad experience with the incompatibility between EOS 50E and the Tokina 100 macro(old) which was one of the reason I tempoarily jumped to other brand of equippment. Since I am highly satisfy with the EOS 3, I won't buy any new EOS bodies in the near future even when they become available, so I will be happy even the Sigma is not compatible with new EOS bodies in the future.

Does anyone have both the Sigma macro and the EOS 3 body, are they compatible (focussing, using small apertures, etc)?

The Sigma offical in my country seems to be reluctant to answer my question, also I don't think my local dealer will appreciate if I try one out hard in their shops. The return policy here is nearly non-existent.

Thank you for yours comment !!!

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I don't know the Sigma from personal usage but it features the same

linear extension system for focusing as the Canon 100/2.8 macro.

Both lenses also have non-rotating front elements and a noisy and

slow AF. So apart from price issues there's no reason whatsoever

not to buy the Canon. The Canon is just great with super sharpness,

contrast, pratically non-existent distortions and a beautiful bokeh.


AFAIK the only "true" IF 100mm macro is the Tokina AF 100/2.8 AT-X.

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