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adding new TRP search modes

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I was thinking it could be intresting to add a new search mode to the

TRP (if technically possible). For example it would be nice to filter

- lets say - the first X (number to decide) photographers closest to a

6/7 average rate, or the top 300 photographers closest to 5/7

average.<br><br> There are many talented amateur that haven't time,

experience, gear, or luck or whatever, to get rated in the TRP when

aiming to 7/7... but they still have nice picture and their average

rate is close to 6/7 or 5/7. <br><br>This would probably give them

more visibility, more possibility to get seen and commented... They

woulnd't be considered and could not consider themselves masters, but

they could become more visible.<br><br>Hopefully this kind of silver

and bronze medal could also deflate the excesses of competition.

That's just an idea, i was wondering which could be forum's opinion on

the matter.


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and what is the purpose of this visibility?


some humbly but insincerely claim that "it's to get more comments", as though the quantity of "excellent/great color" comments is any substitute for the quality of one thoughtful photographic critique.


better that a website institute an open tagging system so that photos can be associated with keywords to enable searches that could be truly meaningful.

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Of course browsing the reverse order works fairly enough. I was just thinking a way to highlight posters that got rates that are not very low but neither very high... expecially in the long period visualization (month / 3 months / year) on TRP are shown many picture with quite the same average rating either on the top and the bottom approach.... luckly for us it means that the average quality of most of this picture is fairly high.... To easily get to people who got 6/7 avg. or 5/7 avg. it would be nice to have a mark to start from (ex. 6/7 avg) and then browse up on down from there. I think this could be simple, and could avoid pushing many many times prev/next buttons and (why not) reduce also some amount of sever work.
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while i know this will just come across as moaning, the whole site could do with a few enhancements from the technical standpoint. i dont mean in how it runs (which is basically very well), i dont mean the format (which is nice and clean), i dont mean the site as a whole (which is excellent). What i do mean, if you've read this far, is the stuff thats real easy to do that gives a lot of user satisfaction; user defined custom reports, searches, filtering etc etc.
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