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Sample roll with Zeiss Ikon 50mm mounted on M6.

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Whatever the quality of images through this Planar (should be good) I HATE the idea of going back to a removable (read: losable) lens hood, let alone the advertised price Zeiss is boldly asking for this necessary accessory.


"Built in" like the current Summicron or if you must, "screw in" like the current Nokton, is the only way to fly, IMHO.

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Hi chaps, the <a href="http://www.unicircuits.com/">site mentioned above</a> is



You would have to put a lot of effort into loosing this hood from the lens. It is all metal

and mounted via a bayonet mechanism, which is very sturdy indeed.<p>


The photos I posted so far are very sloppily scanned strips of negs loosely laid out on the

flatbed scanner. I would not judge anything from that. My main point was to get a feel for

using a 50mm again after having used a 35mm for a year exclusively.<p>


I have developed a second roll and more pics are on the way. I am not into lens tests,

wouldn't even know where to start.<p>

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