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35mm film in a Mamiya C330?


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The Holga method won't work with any of the Mamiya twins with automatic film stops (most of them). The film advance is controlled by a sprung gear in the take-up chamber that measures the passage of the film.


If you don't try to use the film advance stop you could guess the film advanced by the crank, manually cock the shutter, and use the multi control to give you shutter tripping. This isn't how the camera is designed to operate, and I wouldn't recommend it. Use a changing bag to empty the film and put it back in the cassette. This is ignoring film flatness issues, naturally.


It all seems like a lot of effort for little return to me. If you are not interested in film flatness, decent lens performance and lack of stray light, get a Holga. Otherwise there's plenty of good manual 35mm kit around on the used market.


It's like taping a strip of 35mm inside a 5x4 holder to get panoramic pictures. Fine if you have to use some particular film and the effort seems worth it, but generally it is easier to crop the standard film format.

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Chad, I've been taking the opposite tack and trying to figure out how to carve out the

inside of a C330 to take full advantage of the 2x3 sheet film holder -- i.e. to be able

to shoot 2x3 on it, instead of 6x6. Damn thing is built like a cast iron 'house though.

So far my main triumph in hacking with it has been to get 90mm Koni-Omega

Hexanon elements working with the standard 80mm lens assembly.

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I was thinking it might just be easier to get a Holga. I don't want to risk damaging my Mamiya. I like the creative look that the technique gives with the wide (or tall) image over the entire strip of film, and I thought I might be able to avoid things like light leaks and crappy lenses by using the C330.
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