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bronica s2a service - top technician in Australia/US?


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hi everyone,


the classic problem has come up with my bronica s2a - focus is out.


i have consulted sam sherman's article on how to fix this problem

but it hasn't resolved the issue. so it is time to hand it over to

someone with experience.


before i consider posting it to the US ( which i'm prepared to

do ) are there any good techs in Australia that have experience with

this camera?


thanks in advance.

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It is hard to believe there isn't a techo in Australia that can fix a focus problem, although I have no experience with the Bronica, so can't give specific advice.


But I know there are good technicians, including ones who will tell you whether they can fix the problem (with a guarantee.)


My advice is to ring around those that do MF and other 'special' cameras and ask. Sending it across the Pacific seems a bit extreme...Remember, not everything is necessarily better across the big pond.

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