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New EOS 350D?


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I've finally decided to buy a DSLR and after shopping around on the net, I

decided to see if some local stores had a good price.

A few shops later and I came across a store large store with a high turn over

who had a twin lens kit for sale for 1399 AUD, which seems to be quite cheap.

The sales assistant then commented on how cheap their price is which prompted me

to ask why?

He then proceeded to tell me that it was because the 350D was now a discontinued

model and they would be only receiving one more delivery of them.

When I asked what would be replacing it, he acted like he didn't know and said

it was top secret.


Does this sound true? or does it sound like the sales assistant is trying to

scare me into jumping on this good price?




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The forums are full of photogeeks fantasizing about the next DSLR replacement and many

folk believe their BS. They say based on the past product cycle, competition, season change

and photogeek measurebation, a new EOS___ drawth nigh. Photoshopped fake EOS models

around and photogeeks get all hot 'n bothered spreading them around the internet, hoping

to fool a few idiots. See what happens when you can't get a GF?


You your case, it sounds like the sales dude employed a popular internet myth to help

generate more sales commissions.

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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The lens kit is the same one that everyone seems to sell, EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 and EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6. Which although not great lenses, seem to be OK for an absolute beginner as myself on a budget.


Also, another store had said that they only had the display model or a new one that they had 'lent' another store. But that could just be because they were a smallish store who might not want to keep a lot of stock

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The Canon 350D here in the USA would cost new $650 (best price) and $750 (average price). The two lenses you mentioned would cost about $300 here. So, let's say that the outfit here in the USA could be bought for around $1000. I think the exchange rate is around .75, so an equivilent price in AUD would be around $1333.


If you want the setup, offer the store $1300 and allow movement to $1333... he just might accept your offer someplace in this range.


Like you said, the two lenses you mentioned are not great, but they'll get you started. You can add more quality Canon lenses in the future.


The Canon 350D is a great camera.


I hope this helps.



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It's logical to expect the 350D to get a face lift this fall, just like the 20D got a face lift and became the 30D this spring.


See http://www.bobatkins.com/photography/digital/canon_fall_2006.html


Canon have said they will be announcing something on August 24th. Most expect a new high end version of the EOS 1Ds, but it's possible there may also be word of a 350D update either on the 24th or sometime later. The smart money seems to be on no sensor upgrade, but a larger LCD and maybe a few extra software features.


I think it's safe to say that, whatever happens, 350D prices are much more likley to fall than to rise.

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"The 18-55 is a fair lens for what it is, but you could hardly do worse than the 75-300"

I think we should keep this thread on topic.


But thanks for the advice everyone! I think I'm just going to wait a couple of weeks and see what canon comes to the table with.




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In my area , the 350d w/ kit lens is on sale at bargain price with 18 months 0% interest payment scheme.


I asked why, the owner said , it will be replaced by a new model, he told me what the model name is and some of the features. I'm skeptical though.


But, He happened to be my School mate in highschool and college.

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To take advantage of a 12MP 1.6 crop sensor you need TOP glass and good technique. A cheap kit lens would be ridiculous on a 12MP d-Reb, but then 95% of d-Reb's are likely sold with EF-S lens as the first (and nearly always the Only) lens.
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