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Will ef-s lenses go telephoto or super-tele?


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I hypothesized that the reason the 60 Macro is EF-S is to signal to all, that Canon intends to keep APS sized sensors for the foreseeable future.

It is a specialty prime lens, no reason to make it if APS has a couple of year life.


Anyone have this lens? Can you check whether in fact EF-S is required (i.e. the rear element goes into the mount)?


Thank You Kindly.

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Whether Canon intend to offer APS-C for the forseeable future is not really in their control. It will depend on what other camera manufacturers do and what photographers want. So far Caon is the market leader, but they can't really control the market over the longer term. If Nikon or any other maker ever produced a budget ff dslr Canon would have to follow. In fact in usual style they may lead to stay a bit ahead of their competitors.


Maybe the future holds mutliple sensor sizes in the same body. Some photographers may prefer a crop factor and, unlike film, sensor don't have to settle around a standard.

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