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Broken multiple exposure lock on RB67 Pro-S


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Hey all,


I have a Mamiya RB67 Pro-S, with a problem. The multiple exposure

prevention doesn't work. I have both a Pro-S body and back. I know

its supposed to prevent me from firing the shutter (or even cocking

the lens/lowering the mirror?) until I advance the film, but it

doesn't do that. In fact, sometimes when I advance the film, the

multiple exposure switch moves so that the red dot is showing. When I

move the switch myself, there's a shifting/clicking sound, so its not

like the whole mechanism is loose and broken.


So my question is, what's wrong, can it be fixed, and if not, do I

replace the body or the back? Whatever you can tell me would be great.




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It seems that the back is faulty. The body only drives a pin to determine whether multiple exposure is OK and locks/unlocks shutter. Try another back to see if it happens with that too (in which case you may have a problem with the body).


Film backs can be fixed. Take the camera to repair shop and ask for an estimate. They should not charge you too much for diagnosing the problem (my shop charges $5).

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