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disadvantages shooting iso400 with nikon 8700


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I just started using noiseninja and I am very pleased with the

results. I was just wondering if I shoot at ISO400 with my nikon 8700

and then process with noiseninja on a conistant basis, what am I

losing? Time is not a problem for me.

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Hi John, I have Neat Image which is a similar product. IMHO, if you do things properly, you're not losing a thing. Software like Noise Ninja and NeatImage can soften the image a bit if you're over-zealous with it but even that's easily fixed by doing it to a seperate layer. If you're happy with it, don't sweat it. Good luck!
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Robert, you only read the title of the post, didn't you.....?


Jon, programs like Noise Ninja and Neat Image do wonders, but not miracles. The less noise your photo has to begin with, the better quality it will be. I have a 10D and Neat Image, but ISO 100 images almost always look better (sharper, cleaner) than ISO 800 or 1600 images processed with Neat Image.


Also, you probably don't want to process every single photo with Noise Ninja, because the processing takes time and to get the best results you'll have to spend some time tweaking the parameters.

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