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fuji fixed lens RF 6x7 / 6x9 models


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Hi Leslie-


check out fujirangefinder.com. In general the older versions are made of more metal, the lens designs are probably very similar, if not exactly the same (maybe the coatings differ), the older ones more likely have had more rolls put through them (these lense have finite shutter exposures, i.e. 5000). there are two lenses 65mm and 90mm, each giving a different field of view for each format. and the original fuji 690gl had interchangeable lenses.

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I have a II with 65mm lens and a III with 90mm lens.


They are both metal cameras with some plastic cosmetics on the outside. The III

"looks" more modern, but they are really just about identical for all practical



The rangefinder is a little different as well, but I can't say that one is easier to focus

than the other. The frame lines in the model III are easier to see for sure, but I can't

be sure that it isn't due to the different magnification of the viewfinder as I have a

different lens on each body.


I'm sure you'll be happy with either a model II or model III.

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I think the first, interchangeable lens model has several advantages-much, much more pleasant shutter sound; a true T setting; and a more robust tripod mount. The camera in my view is not really that much more heavy or bulky to work with in real world photography. The negative might be less liable to repair but there are plenty of folks out there who can repair just about anything we throw at them. Also, the lens on the original version is a Tessar design, and has outstanding color tonality and color discrimination. Again, review Dante's web site.
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Hi Leslie

I use the early BL G690 model with 100 3.5 and 180mm 5.6

lenses alongside a pair of Plaubel 670's . the Plaubels are

amazing in their own right easy to handhold fast Nikon 2.8

80mm fixed lenses.The Fujica 690 produces beautiful negs

and has good build but it is heavier with the 180mm lens some

examples of this and the Plaubel cameras can be seen on my


www.simon-larbalestier.co.uk under the portfolios "new work"

and "Between Two Worlds" parts 1 and 2. Sorry i don't know how

to post direct page links.

Both make of camera are prone to breakdown but they are

certainly repairable. In fact i'm selling my newer mamiya 7ii kit as

it barely gets used compared to these older models which i

much prefer.

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Checked out your website, Simon - truly great work, beautifully seen and composed ? wonderful!


Can you tell us which images exactly are with Fuji in those portfolios?


Also, where did you get the 180mm lens for your Fuji G690? I am looking for one too: I currently have only 100mm f/3.5 Fujinon Auto Electro lens for my Fuji GL690 and I am looking to expand the system.




Philip Pankov Photography




Fine Art Black & White Photography

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Hi Philip, I checked out your website after Simon Larbalestier's,

both very inspirational and wonderful for me to learn from.

I am a beginner in photography and I am waiting for my new G690BL+100 3.5 to arrive here in S/W Ireland, $630 from Adorama.

My question to Philip is about older Fuji camera repair in Ireland.

Have you had any real problems with the older Fuji cameras?

Pity Fuji hasn't brought out a newer version of the G 690 BL.


I guess to address the original question posted at the forum I can only offer that any older Fuji is likely not as reliable as a newer one!


All the best and many thanks.

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Hi Philip

In answer to your question i bought the 180mm lens from

Nicholas Cameras in London (tel. 0207 916 7251 always

advertise a big DPS spread in Black and White Photography

magazine the UK one - not the US one of a similar name) and

then obtained the 180mm viewfinder from Pacific Rim Cameras

in the US (www.pacificrimcameras.com). Examples on my site

are found in the "New Work" Portfolio images no. 31 shot wide

open @5.6 and cropped (in fact the image is a tiny portion taken

from the central area of the negative). Images nos 34,35 and 36

are printed almost full frame cropped only to fit the scanner and

shot @f8/ll.

Image no. 16 is shot wide open at 1meter @3.5 with the 100 mm

lens. Again i'm sorry i can't post as hot links.

Most of the other work is shot with Plaubel 670's wide open

@f2.8 and some of the square format images are made with the

plastic Holga 120s.

I hope this answers your questions - incidently the 35mm

75mm Brightline Voigtlander viewfinder works just as well as the

original 180mm fuji finder but much smaller and easy to buy.



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