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Field cleaning kit


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When changing lenses I've always just blown across the lens and into

the body (from a distance to avoid spittle and moisture), but I was

wondering what others do. I imagine folks in hostile environments

swapping lenses and wonder how they keep things clean between lens


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Joe, yes I meant precisely that.


Not sure what gear you are using, for digital I only clean when I can see dust spots on CCD.


For film -- I quickly clean the inside of film chamber everytime (unless I am really in a hurry) I load a roll a new cartridge -- that is the most important cleaning since dust can scratch a whole roll of film. I clean the mirror/focusing-screen at leaisure (and at home). If the mirror gets too dirty and/or if dust gets in between the focusing screen and the bottom surface of the pentaprism, I take it to an authorized Nikon service center who do it in 15 mins and for free.

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I live in Texas where the dust blows pretty hard at times. That's about the only time I'll use protective filters like skylight or haze types. And to change lenses I turn my back to the wind and keep the camera as close to my body as possible. If necessary I'll shield it with my jacket, shirt, whatever.


So far with my 35mm cameras this has always been sufficient. We'll see when I get a dSLR.

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I never worried much about dust, grease or muck on the back or front of lenses with 35mm. I'd always have a UV filter on the front and wipe it with my tie or something.


For DSLR's, different game. With my lovely new D70, I've become paranoid about one thing only: dust on the sensor (filter). Since using a second lens I have already discovered the damage that can be done to images by a single blob appearing in ALL images. So now I always put the rear end caps onto lenses in the bag. I check the rear of the lens before fitting. I never remove the lens from the D70 until I'm ready to actually fit another. I hold the camera body face down. I try to avoid changing lenses at all if it's not necessary.

Meanwhile, I have boned up on sensor cleaning techniques and already obtained some PecPads and Eclipse fluid. I am awaiting delivery of a SensorSwipe tool. I don't recommend blowing into a DSLR body with your mouth, but I couldn't honestly promise that if I'm half way up a mountain I never would. I intend to get a Giotto Rocket blower as a safer option.

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I'm probably going to be a bit less devil-may-care when I get a dSLR. For example, my solution to nose oil on my 35mm SLRs is the film box end flap. Not only does it identify the film loaded up, but it's a great blotter too.


But right now I'm checking out the options and prices for LCD screen protectors.


Howcum nobody makes one with several sheets of facial blotter paper? Hoodman could make one and name it the Noseman.

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