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About Critique Only category


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I am really tired of low ratings with no explanation or helpful

suggestions as to how I could improve the photo. I know this is a

common complaint, and I'm sure my photos are not the greatest, but I

would like to learn and improve. I am not good enough at photography

to know what to change when a photo needs help, so the low ratings

with no feedback simply frustrate me. My question is, how am I the

most likely to get helpful feedback: by submitting to Critique Only,

or just doing it the way I have been, and hoping for some critique

with the ratings?

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Kim, I am a long advocate of what Mark proposes, and historically its worked pretty well for me. By commenting on the work of people that interest you, and who comment themselves, and by responding and returning the favor of a critique, and being specific and constructive, you can develop a dialogue with a number of people. Critique Only is viewed by a relativey small audience, but within that group there are fine photographers who will help you also.


But I have to say, since the change in the default TRP, my experience is a dramatic drop off in comments received, as well as ratings. It concerns me quite a bit. Brian has reported no drop off in ratings overall that he has noticed, but not indicated whether the same is true for comments. I am wondering if others have had this experience as well. I'm hoping, frankly, that its just me.

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I personally haven't noticed a drop off in comments though I have

posted fewer images recently. I haven't really been keeping tabs on

ratings so I don't think I'd notice if their frequency has changed.


I thought that there seemed to be more sensible comments on the font

page of the TRP than there used to be. I don't know why my experience

might be different than yours.

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There's really no qualification necessary; your reactions to an image are just as valid as any others even if you are unable to go into a lot of detail.<br>

Realize that having to put down into words what you like...or dislike about an image feeds your own learning experience in terms of defining your own techniques.<br>

The receiving photographer may agree or disagree with your comments, but as long as you're polite there's seldom an issue.

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FWIW, here are some links on how to critique photos. I admit, I'm quite guilty of sometimes (lately, even frequently) leaving brief "great shot" sort of comments, but sometimes I think that is encouraging to the artist, and if a photo does that for the viewer, I think it's perfectly o.k. to leave a compliment. <br><br>

One thing I noted regarding the 'critique only' category, is that even when I post an image there, someone usually manages to get in and rate it anyway - the rating doesn't show under the photo, but does show in the 'details' view of my folders. Since I've asked that my photos not be rated at all, when that happens, I just delete the photograph from the gallery regardless of what the rating was.<br><br>



http://www.photoworkshop.com/double_exposure/publish/TakingACloserLookHowToCritiquePhotographs.shtml<br><br>Hope these are of interest.<br><br>-s

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I to have noticed a drop off, of ratings at least!


Although IM still fairly new here, before the changes, I would get a steady stream of rates, but since the change, once one of my photos gets the magic number of 5 rates (doesn't matter what the rates where) it stops getting any for awile, then they will tricle in as though from viewers that brows specific catagories, instead of from rate recent!


One photo earlier today, right after submiting it, hit the magic number within minutes, and then died, as if the photo got buried!


I like having comments on my photos, to help me make future adjustments to my methods, and when you submit for critique, if it does get buried in this maner, the comments will more than likely not come as well! (at least not from the rate recent crowd)


For the most part, I have been practicing the same method of "leave a comment, and hope they reciprocate in turn" that is mentioned above, and from this, that is where I have had most of the comments left for my photos come from!


But anyway, the sharp drop in rates, at what seems to be a magic number disturbs me, and to be honest, I have no clue as to how the whole rating / TRP / rate recent system works, it shure would be nice, if someone would enlighten me on this!



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Thanks Mark, Ben, Ken, and Steve. Steve, I will look up those sites, because usually when there's something that bothers me in a photo, I don't say anything, not feeling qualified. I love to give encouragement, because I like to get it! I'm not familiar with the TRP changes you all mention. And I'm afraid my speech is not very original or eloquent when commenting. I'm trying to improve at all of it. I love photography like no other "hobby". Finally, an outlet for the frustrated artist who cannot paint (except walls), cannot draw (stick figures), cannot sing or dance....but I can push a button and play in photoshop! When someone leaves a comment (or sometimes just a rating) on my photo, I usually check out their portfolio to see what their tastes and talents are. I so appreciate the help I've received here. Thank you all!
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I to was in your boat when I first joined, and didn't want to sound like an oaf when I made comments, so awile back, I decided I wouldn't give rates on photo's for awile, and I just browsed the gallery, I would see an interesting photo, click on it, study it for a bit, decide on my feelings for it and then read what others had to say, I would look for words they used that fit in with what I felt for the photo!


Call this a search for association method, to gain knowledge of the photog jargin ;o)


It worked for me, you may want to give this a try!


Also, dont be afraid to just say, I like this, or great shot, if you just simply like the photograph, all your critiques don't have to have a technical point of view, and it will also get you used to having your take of the photo, included on others request for critique page!


Practice makes perfect and all that jazz!


Good luck, have fun, and here's to seeing you on our visions of our worlds!



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my experience is that almost everyone appreciate anything specific you can tell them about what you see/feel when looking at their photo, regardless of experience or eloquence, and even if its not favorable, as long as its said without malice or put-down.
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Thanks so much, guys! I have been trying to do that, for the most part. You all have boosted my morale so much. You're all on my "interesting" list, so I'll keep an eye on your worlds, too. Thanks!
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<i>... the more useful comments you make, the more you receive </i><br>

<i>... leave a comment, and hope they reciprocate in turn </i><br>


What means this suggestion? The "mate rating" :-) Let your friends rate your work and be happy! And why you need the PN at all? <br>


Andris <br>

P.S. The Photo.net is dead anyway.

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Andris S writes, "Let your friends rate your work and be happy! And why you need the PN at all?" . . ."P.S. The Photo.net is dead anyway."<br><br>Well, S, if by that you mean 'dead is the lockstep line of effete snobbery that worships the emperor's new clothes and scoffs at the efforts of those struggling to learn and daring to aspire to be something more,' then all I can say is . . .<br><br>"<i><b>The Witch is dead, Hail Dorothy!</i></b>"<br><br>-s
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