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With a 2gb (Sandisk Extreme III) my camera says it's good for 64 shots with Compressed Raw + JPEG Fine. In reality you can fit more than that on the card (depending on the scenes - some compress more than others). I think the number for uncompressed raw (only) is 49 images/1gb

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I would imagine that a 1G card for 50 uncompressed NEF from the D2X is about right. In other words, the D2X NEF's are about twice as big as those from the D100, which is 9.8M each. Anything involving compression is a guesstimate, as we learn from the D70.


I am afraid that we don't have the technical knowledge here (at least I don't) to really discuss the feasibility of processing every other pixel in some entire-frame (don't want to say full frame here) high-speed mode. Hopefully Nikon can work something out or maybe in another couple of years, CPU and memory will be so cheap and powerful that they can do 12MP at 8fps so that the entire HSC is moot.

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I think the speed bottleneck is getting data off of the imaging sensor. One the one hand one can get more FPS by clocking the data off the sensor faster but on the other hand noise performance degrades. If you look at any Nikon camera the FPS rate is the same for JPEG Large, Medium, or Basic. In each of these cases the camera reads all data from the sensor and then downres's the image accordingly. In the case of the D2X HSC mode the camera is actually reading a smaller portion of the sensor and with fewer pixels to read from the sensor it takes less time, hence the higher FPS capability.
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Shun: Thanks for the thread reference. Very informative. I wasn't reading threads about anything related to dSLRs last year because I didn't think I'd buy one. Now that I have...


Vivek: Too late. The salesman tried to talk me into the Sigma 18-50/2.8 EX DC. If it had HSM I probably would have gone for it. I got the Nikon DX kit lens because it's cheap and I'm curious to see how much difference SWM makes. I already have a perfectly good older 28-85/3.5-4.5 AF Nikkor. It's sharp and satisfactorily free of distortion across the board. But it's slow and noisy in AF mode.


This is my first serious venture into digital or AF territory. To me it's worth dipping my toes into the cheap end of the pool to test the water. If I'm satisfied with the difference SWM makes I'll get a better lens.


If I need to shoot at the wide end I have an old Tamron Adaptall 17mm f/3.5 that is relatively free of barrel distortion. A little low in contrast but it will do for now. I'll still use my 28/3.5 PC-Nikkor for architecture despite the loss of effectiveness as a wide angle. It's a great lens at any effective focal length.

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