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phillips 8x10 explorer


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I believe one of the reason's you don't see them on the bay is because people tend to

contact Phillips when they want to resell and he puts them in contact with someone on a

waiting list he has created. I could be wrong about this but I would just call Phillips and

see what's up. They seem easy to deal with.

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Unless Dick Phillips can put you in touch with someone through the list Rob mentioned (not something I had heard of before but nice to know) I'd suggest you set your sights on another camera. Phillips cameras of any kind haven't been made in large volumes and you rarely see them for sale used on e bay or anywhere else. You cold wait years before finding a used one.
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To add to Brian's comment. Dick is currentlyworking on a batch of 8x10 Compact II

cameras which (unless he changes his mind) may well be the lats batch of 8x10's of any

kind he makes for a number of years. AFAIK he has not made a batch of Explorers for

some 4-5 years.

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Dick Phillips does personally serve as a clearing house for his used cameras, so give him a call. He gets no commission, and makes no guarantees, merely putting buyers in touch with sellers. He volunteered this info to me when I contacted him regarding a new camera.
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