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w/nw: Naked Leica

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Mine ain't nekid no more! My button rewind M2 has its Cameraleather in place, plain ol' black vinyl in the same pattern as the original vulcanite. I got a bit more of the crud off too, alternating rubbing with a cloth dampened with lighter fluid and one with lacquer thinner. I didn't smoke during the procedure!
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There may also be some helpful solvents that are less toxic than lighter fluid or lacquer thinner. When I was selling and servicing hi-fi equipment, we used lemon flavoring extract from the supermarket as one of the solvents in our arsenal. It is edible and ethanol-based.


It was good for gummy adhesive residue from price labels, among other things. We had to be careful with it because it would dissolve some things that few other solvents would touch, including some paint finishes. It would also attack some of the plastics used for knobs, switches, and buttons.


-- Steve

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