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Flattening images and contrast change

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Hello all,


I'm not sure if anyone else has experienced this, but I'd love some

ideas / solutions.


When I flatten images in photoshop that have many adjustment layers, I

sometimes get a relatively subtle change in contrast and colour

balance. Noting major, but it certainly takes place. I can see it

by flip flopping with Ctrl-Z.


I know it's only a slight change, but to be honest, when I throw that

many adjustment layers on a file, it means I'm being fairly precise

with my tweaking, and the image is pretty much exactly how I want it

to be.


Anyone know a way around this?


I usually flatten files before saving them to print, if that helps.



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Just a thought: if you're using CS, with the realtime histogram, does it confirm there is a change? In other words, are the the statistics of the histogram changing?


I know with some viewers (such as ACDSee), I can be toggling between identical pics, but seeing change, until I refresh <F5> both images. It's just a display glitch, in this case.

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I cant help you but can tell you that I have experienced the same thing. In my case the change was a little more than subtle and I never did figure out what was going on. On the positive side, I have only had it happen a couple of times and have flattened files with many adjustment layers with no change in contrast. I was using PS7 then.


A friend told me that he had heard of the problem and heard that flattening the image layer by layer can help. I tried this but it didnt work for me. Maybe you will be luckier.



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