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<p> This Michael and Grace. They're a duo from Seattle. I met them 6 years ago when they came through Boston and I was thrilled to see them again this summer at Falcon Ridge. They were fresh air compared to the disappointing sucession of Ani Di Franco and David Wilcox clones who played the showcase stage; he lays down hypnotic, jazz-colored guitar lines and she sings in a mystical, transported style that reminds me of Flora Purim. Well, when we started talking the said they needed new pictures- I said lets meet about 2 hours before sundown and we'll shoot a few rolls. We wandered some of the campsites- found a wicked cool trailer painted all over as "Starry Night" by some muralists from NY. Then there was the farm's silos, and the double decker Greyhound bus- the Lord's own RV...


<p>This was a pretty good exercise in using what was there- backdrops weren't a problem but light control was- Im so used to leaving the subject alone and moving the lights, here I didnt have the experience to turn them into it in different ways- I could have used a bunch of assistants with diffusers and flags- and it took us all a while to relax enough- but I'm happy i got Grace's etherial spirit with such an on the fly session....


<p>I'm not much on color correction- I leave that to people who still have their whole lives in front of them... adjust as required-


<p><img src="http://www.chrisyeager.com/z/slides/htm/vango.jpg">

<p><img src="http://www.chrisyeager.com/z/slides/htm/bw_21.jpg">

<p><img src="http://www.chrisyeager.com/z/slides/htm/col_17.jpg">


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Ah, then you saw the van Gogh trailer too- I have tried every camping

strategy at FRFF from tenting to B&Bs and my favorite so far is this

year's- driving the 3 hours home... It was blazing hot Friday- and 40

degrees that night.... which doesnt surprise me at all--- I've been

there years you needed an overcoat!




I just finished boxing up an order for these guys- they wanted 7

shots... for which they paid good bucks-

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