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Tokina 17mm on an EOS 20D

gary w. graley

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Thanks Ben, I've not been there, will read through them, I was just wondering what the folks on this board has found after having the lens a while, if it's as solid and sharp as it looks.<BR>Here is a direct link to that set of reviews for anyone else looking for some info as well <a href="http://www.photographyreview.com/35mm,Primes/Tokina/PRD_84291_3111crx.aspx">Tokina reviews</a><BR>G2
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Gary, one comment from here- I bought a Tokina 17mm maybe 10 years ago, and have enjoyed it immensely. However, about the time I bought mine, they were coming out with a new "ATX" version (whatever that means) that cost about twice what mine did. I assume the ATX version is new & improved optically. My point is, when you look at reviews, make sure you know which lens they are talking about. I don't think they made the non-ATX version in autofocus, but I may be mistaken there.


Anyway, my 17mm is not the sharpest lens around, but it does okay, and I have used it a lot. It was the most "bang for the buck" in wide angles when I got it, and I would buy one again if I was doing it all over again. I'm using it on film, by the way, not reduced sensor digital.


One other thing I've noticed- it's a f/3.5 lens, and the small aperture and naturally-large depth of field can make it hard to focus manually- sometimes, it is better to just use the distance scale on it.

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Well I latched onto a like new 17mm and will have it when I return from England, heading to Doncaster UK next Tuesday for a few weeks. But I found one for $250 shipped which seemed not too bad a price for as wide a lens as this is. And I can use it on my Canon EOS 1n for those days when I REALLY want to go wide! thanks guys!<BR>G2
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>> It appears to be a very solidly built lens.



I had the Tokina 100/2.8 ATX macro. Build quality was excellent (similar to L) but it was soft till f/5.6. OTOH, I had the 50/1.8. Build quality was awful but it was sharp even wide open (up to 20X30 cm prints). What is more important to you?


Happy shooting,


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I do not have a 20D, but a 300D. However since the sensor size of our cameras is identical (and resolution diffrence neglibile) I can tell you that I LOVE my Tokina 17mm AT-X Pro. This lens is tack sharp by F5.6, and better yet, EXTREMELY flare resistant for a wide angle. Build quality is excellent as well. The only complaint I have about this lens is its somewhat goofy clutch system for AF and MF.
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