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300D autofocus failure


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Hanna, on the 10D there is a custom function that allows the move of the AF function from the shutter button to a button at the back. If you have a hacked firmware, have you been playing with the Custom Functions values?

Before sending it for repairs I would reload the original firmware and see if that fixes the problem.


Good luck.

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Thanks guys. I've just taken it to the local Canon rep and they have told me the mirror pin has broken. I have no idea how this could have happened as the camera has never been dropped or damaged since I bought it. They will send it to the Canon service center who, according to the rep, will decide if it's covered by the warranty (!) Looks like at least 4 weeks without my camera - just great )~;
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I'm fairly sure that CF4 isn't included in the hacked firmware, if the camera won't focus, it's broken. However first check that it's not in sports mode - where there'll be no focus confirmation as the camera is in AI Servo mode. Also check that one of the off centre sensors isn't selected solely, as if the single sensor isn't given a subject to focus on, it will fail to focus.


This is difficult as Hanna hasn't really given much info as to what's been tried already, and exactly how the camera is failing.

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