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My portfolio was hacked!


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Whoa . . . this is unreal, Thomas! Seattle Times, huh? Kind of scary since I'm just 20 minutes north of you.


Brian, please do post update here as I'm very much interested to know (quite possibly many other as well,) of who, when, how, why, so that we all can take appropriate preventive measures.



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Wow, that is quite the scary ordeal that you lived through. Something right out of a stalker movie. I am cautious by nature of being scammed or taken advantage of but I'm also not ignorant enough to think that I am impervious to such things. This individual stated that I was just one of their "crusade", though they did state that they would just delete my work again if I posted. Yo, Hacker - if your reading this (great, now I have to look over my shoulder thank you very much), note how the FBI did catch P.G.'s stalker. Be warned! Thanks for the time and concern P.G.!
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Well maybe not... but any of those ratings under 6 are suspicious. My Mom says I'm much better than that. Why don't you all go look and see what you think? And, heck, while yer there, leave some 7's to make up for those that didn't agree with Mom. Some comments would be nice too.. I never get comments... nobody ever hacked me... I feel left out. I don't think I even have a crummy rating I can blame on a clone. dernnit.. well maybe a couple.

Honestly, goofy aside, Thomas I am truly sorry to hear of your dilemma. I hope this idiot is soon serving time in jail. I'm glad you were able to get things back. BTW We are kinda neighbors too.. well.. other side of the state kinda neighbors. Well.. keep yer chin up and.. SMILE ;-)


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For those of you that are curious, the incident in which my portfolio was hacked has been narrowed down to a physical security breach that was NOT in anyway related to Photo.net. In fact there is sufficient evidence that should a repeat of this occur the specific individual will be in all likelihood identified - and they probably know this. I want to thank everyone here for your incredible display of support and generosity of kind words. May the rest of 2005 be a bright spot in our lives!
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Thomas, what a relief! Very glad to see that all is well, and that the culprit had been narrowed down. It's unthinkable that the crime might have been commited in home or office!


Kudos to Brian & Jeremy in fixing what was broken. Awesome service indeed. Thank you for all the you do.

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