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Pantone to RGB conversion for website - help!

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Ok, I had a logo designed using two Pantone spot colors. I want to

use the same colors (as close as can be rendered) on my website for

consistency. I've been messing around in photoshop, but I know just

enough about color management to be dangerous. I'm getting different

answers depending on how I do things.


Can somebody that actually knows what they are doing, please tell me

the RGB and/or Hexidecimal equivalents of these:


Pantone 7470, Pantone 601, Pantone 601 at 30% opacity


Thanks very much. - Mike

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There are a grand total of 8 truely web safe colors. That said if you assume sRGB color like you're supposed to be able to these days you probably could convert a pantone color to XYZ or LAB format color and then use the sRGB color profile to interpet that. In theory at least. I'm not sure it theres a combo of software that will do it for you.
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