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OT Cellphone cameras suck. I wonder if Leica or Zeiss could improve things?


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Here I am testing about 6 phones; so maybe I can be a teenager again. :) It is amazing the teens concerns about skins; ring tones; text messaging a mile a minute. For shooting sports; cellphones are still abit crude. Here is SZWEZ of PeeDee going into the sin bin; held by a zebra; shot with a VGA class cellcamera. The blur at the lower left is due to the thick 1/2" plexiglass.<BR><BR><IMG SRC=http://www.ezshots.com/members/tripods/images/tripods-547.jpg><BR><BR>Here is a Hooter Girl doing "foodrunnner" duty; caught with a VGA cellcamera. <BR><BR><IMG SRC=http://www.ezshots.com/members/tripods/images/tripods-537.jpg>
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Trevor; your sensor is really a tiny 288 by 319 pixel job; they bootstrap it to a huge crafty 480x640; for viewing better. This upsizing doesnt add things that dont exist :) Notice the upward re- mapping is slightly different in each axis; about 2 on the long; less on the other. Shoot some images at the natural sensor output of 288 by 319; and then upsize them by 2x as an experiment.
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those two shots are brilliant pieces of documentary--both scene and photo technology represented. i'll go even further with the hockey shot and say it captures the spirit of what's going on better than 99% of sports photos going around (although i'll admit it may take a canadian viewer to appreciate this).



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