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My F80 is thinking

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I just got a F80 to replace my N90s that had an AF problem that

couldn t be fixed at Nikon here in La Paz.

I feel the difference in weight, but the construction look sturdy.

The plastic feels like metal and the shell is better than the N90s

that got many cracks without much abuse.

What I feel and I would like to correct through the custom settings

is that the camera seems been thinking before every shot. It takes

about 2 seconds between the press of the shooter and the time the

curtain moves. Do you know what is the setting, if there is one, I

have to change?

Thank you in advance.

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I own an F80 as well and can tell you that the shutter lag sometimes occurs when the camera AF hasn't locked on. If I were you, I'd switch the customs functions 9 & 10 and disable them (set 9 to 1 and 10 to 0). Those are the closest-subject priority preferences, which may be interfering with your aiming.


You can also try change the batteries too. But this is the only remedy I can think of right now... Buena suerte!!

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<i>What have I done is use the AF/AE Lock for autofocusing</i>


<p>That's what I do too - I find it really annoying if the autofocus starts hunting when i am trying to meter a scene. When I need AE lock, I just put the camera on manual, meter and then reframe and shoot.<p> Now, we don't want our camera's thinking, do we:-)? BTW, has anyone found out that the Matrix metering mode thinks too much sometimes, so that a thinking camera and a thinking photographer cancel each other out? Especially with dark, contrasty scenes, there seems to be entirely too much thinking going on, resulting in all sorts of weird overcompensation.:)


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