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Photo Critique and raiting

sam starkey

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I know you are out there and you know who you are.You are the person

who gives a raiting of 1 for originality and 1 for ascetics for

photographs of nude women, when other (real photographers) give

raitings from 7 to 3 for a good shot and they will usually give you

constructive criticism on your work which I appreciat.You however

must be giving raitings for morality or ethics or God knows what.

May I tell you something? You are on the wrong web site, this is

about photography. If you don't like what you see,don't look at it!

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On the olimpics for every 10 judges the highest and the lowest marks are eliminated to avoid biasing. For every 10 ratings, you could do the same and the usual 7/7 "mate rating" and the 1/1 "hate rating" would be eliminated from the average. Just a though.


B. B.

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I'm with Earl on this one. I find myself spending more and more time

at photosig these days because although you get loads of ratings

here, I've found the number of actual useful critiques is very low.

there are some very notable exception mind you.


A strange by product, I've noticed is that I am far more willing to

post a photo I consider an experiment to photosig because I can learn

from it. However, I find PN is a place where I feel the quality of

my shot must be better because generally speaking I'm only going to

find out if anyone else likes it. Maybe that's what PN prefers

though as I haven't been here long enough to know what the aims of PN



I am a photo newbie and any constructive critique I receive is worth

six weeks on the TRP (not that I'm ever likely to appear there!)

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The book is by Dale Carnegie. Written back in the 1930's.


The fact is ALMOST EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING ON EARTH wants to feel important.

Just a fact. It's the way we are wired.


IF all images submitted for critique (or not) were given 3 days of ANONYMOUS and EQUAL

time for EVERYONE to rate this site would be a LOT MORE FUN!



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