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50mm mf source?


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I've put together an EM kit, the way folks like to drive MGs. Why?

Because we like them. My 50mm lens is loose. Works fine, but it

rattles a bit. While I would prefer it, I'm not married to the

Series E, so if there is another 50mm, manual focus, I'm open. I

know I've asked this before, but I can't find the thread. Lo siento.


Nothing on ebay that look promising, and nothing from B&H, any other



Thanks, and have a goooooood day!


Joe Z

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<a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00ALfM"> Here </a> is a thread about the various 50mm Nikkor lenses with an aperture of f/1.8. I personally experienced quite a bit of difference between the f/1.8 Series E and the true AIS Nikkor, with the Nikkor coming out on top at the widest apertures. If I were going to get a single 50mm lens for an EM, I'd seek out a AI / AIS f/1.8. No one will be able to tell if the shots were made with a simple EM or an F5, they will just be sharp, contrasty photos.
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There are probably about an equal number of fans of the 50/1.8 and the older 50/2. The 50/1.8 is usually considered a bit sharper; the 50/2 is usually considered to have better flat field capabilities for close focusing.


That just translates to less of a particular type of distortion up close. It's similar to a dedicated macro lens in that respect. That's one reason why I like my 50/2 AI. It's also very useful reversed for makeshift macro work. Flatter field and better edge sharpness with less falloff than other 50mm lenses I've tried.


It's very slightly soft wide open, which I find useful for certain photos. Some folks prefer a sharper lens wide open.

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Thanks for all the info!


I have a series E 28mm, 50mm, 100mm and the 50mm is the only one a bit loose. It's disquieting, kind of like driving that MG over rough pavement and getting a bit of a rattle. You wonder what's wrong. Nothing serious, surely, but...


As for the sources mentioned, must be a bad time, but I see a lot of high-priced junk out there.


One angle I'm following is for cheap "camerea for parts" that include a lens.


Again, thanks for the advice.


Have a goooooood day!

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