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300D Hack, my story:

danny lee

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So I was walking down a dark alley, having a cigarette, I noticed

this huge dead thing next to a stick. this dead thing is the 300D

Hack discussion, but since there is already a stick next to it, I

will beat it some more anyway.


I just installled the hack, it was very easy and seamless. I am

loving it because it now has FEC, and that really works great ! and

the mirror lockup, that is awesome too ! These two functions are

so worthwhile. I am glad I upgraded. now as for the "H" 3200 iso,

the images are so grainy that I really are disappointed, I guess I

will stay with 400 and below if I can help it.


anyway, I am in the mood for some fried rice with lettuce. I do not

know why.


thank you Photo.net ( I learn alot here all the time ! )

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Well, he didn't say he inhaled. I used to hold cigarette-like objects at parties to look cool. But I didn't inhale. Yeah, I had kim chee fried rice for dinner. But I did shallow.

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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"I was smoking since I was 18. I quit it last year when I was 51. Thirty three years with one brand of cirgarette"


Can you imagine the amount of money you spent on smoking? In these 33 years, you could have bought loads of photo equipment. About 20 years ago, my father had a heart attack and the doctor told him to quit smoking if he wanted to live. For the first year my mother secretly saved the money he spent on cigarettes. She bought him a film camera, projector etc etc (quite expensive back then) all from the money saved from one year of not smoking. Imagine 33 years. That would be a few 1Ds MkII bodies. :-)

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the 3200 ISO might be graining but it is much easier to get rid of grain through filters

than it is to get rid of blur from camera shake.


Since the 300D hack threads are dead, with the discussion about the replacement to

the 300D I have been wondering if they will patch the firmware to prevent it from

becoming the 20D lite (assuming it has the same relation to the 20D as the 300D has

to the 10D)

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Don't smoke to save money for photo equipment, huh?


I suppose I'm doing something similar. I'm saving money by not eating...at least not eating much. Being in grad school, I don't have too much money to spend on expensive hobbies. So I've been surviving on lunches that average less than $2 (Albertson's 10/$10 Budget Gourmet + fruit + Soda).


A side advantage is the low calorie intake has helped me keep the weight off!

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>the 3200 ISO might be graining but it is much easier to get rid of >grain through filters than it is to get rid of blur from camera >shake.


What type of filter would you suggest to get rid of film grain?


I shoot 400,800 mainly so I suppose it really isnt an issue at these speeds/?


At which speed does film grain appear?





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