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Constant exposure lock in manual mode ?


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Hi all,<br><br>

Most of the time I use my F100 in M mode (taking a reading from a

lightmeter and going from there). What I'd like to know is whether

it's possible or not to mimic the way A and S modes work when using

the AE lock function.<br>

Example : starting from 1/200 @f8, then being able to switch to 1/800

@ f4 by rotating either the aperture/front wheel OR the speed/bottom

wheel... and not both of them.<br>

The only turnaround I found is to dial an exposure compensation in A

or S mode to match my meter's reading, and lock this exposure. But I

feel an EV lock in manual mode would be much more convenient...


Thanks for sharing your tips, if any.<br>


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You can set your camera into P mode and then dial up/down as you like and your exposures will be fine. Use matrix metering mode and you are all set.


You might want to calibrate your lightmeter by what the F100 gives you, to make sure the hand-held meter works alright, and sees exactly what the lens sees, ... Good luck!

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As above, the P (Program) mode will keep a constant EV if you change either the shutter speed (rear wheel) or aperture (front wheel).


Would you care to comment why you use a hand-held meter in preference to the internal F100 metering system? Personally, I find the F100 metering very accurate and consistent. I only use a hand meter for certain closeups (incident mode) or multiple flash work.

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I already gave P shift mode a try, unfortunately the aperture range is limited as you may know (losing the widest aperture is indeed a pain). Thanks for the idea anyway.<br>I really thought there was an hidden function somewhere to deal with it in M mode.<br><br>

Edward > I simply find it easier to start from an incident reading and adjust the exposure depending on the situation. I'm not saying the F100's meter is not accurate (I "spotmeter" a lot when I don't carry the meter and it works great), but I'm not confident with matrix metering since I'm not supposed to know how it meters a scene.

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do you know all the laws of physics and fluid mechanics? Do you know the total design of any Boeing plane by heart? Do you approve of the plane?


Yet you have flown in an airplane, I am certain. I have taken pills prescribed for me, and I do not know what they contain. Have you? Have you ever eaten a new kind of "food"? Or only what your mother cooked for you since age zero?


So, why not look at the results of the P mode F100 and enjoy. You must take pretty still, unmoving scenes in your pictures to have the time to meter and meter to death ...


Actually I did not understand your comment of P mode having a limited range on the F100: Mine shows no problems. I can adjust to max speed (as long as the lens is wide enough) and to min aperture and everything in between without any limitations other than from the lens (and needing a tripod if I go to f/45 or so and slow speeds).

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Let's say I prefer to build up my own references and establish trusted fixed points. While I appreciate matrix metering for slides and digital, I don't for B&W where its tendency to underexpose high contrast scenes is not welcomed.

Just imagine a candle lit portrait with the light source in the frame, matrix won't let you expose properly for the face (unless you meter for the face only, lock your exposure and recompose) ; same goes for backlit scenes or high contrast ones where your subject isn't hit by the strongest light source for example.

Well, that's all for the debate AFAIC, to each its own.


Your second point is a bit surprising since I can't select neither the widest aperture nor the smallest one in P mode. And this is the same for all of my lenses : AFD20, AFD24, AFD50 and AFG70-200 ?

I'm not the only one to experience this with the F100 so I'd be glad to hear how you solved this issue.

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