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Gigabitfilm to be available in 120

gene crumpler

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"Oh yes, let's all be negative that another 120 b/w film is being introduced."


Negative? Pun intended?


You're right, of course. Guess I'm still wishin' Zeiss would have made the Ikon a MF camera.


If Gigabitfilm is only 1/2 as good as some make it out then it may still be pretty good. Just sounds kinda hokey though. But it might be worth trying just to see. Never can tell.


vic... :)

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Why all this pointless, and unfounded negativity about Gigabitfilm?<br>We all know TechPan, right? Gigabitfilm is basically the same: a high resolution document film made usable for general photography by giving us the right chemicals.<br>A hoax, hype, or worse? Of course not! Pretty silly to even think such a thing, let alone say it.
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Well, since I started this discussion, I just went back and pulled the lens/film tests for Tech Pan, Tmax 100 and Gigabitfilm. My scanner does not have the resolution to show this on line.

Some one who lives near Durham, NC can come to my house and look at these tests.


Here is what I have;


Tech Pan shot with 80mm planar at f-11 on Hasselblad enlarged to 23 x 23inches.



Tmax 100 shot with 80mm planar at f-11 on Hasselblad enlarged to 23x 23 inches.



Gigabitfilm shot with 55mm 2.8 micro nikkor at f-11 on F-3 enlarged to 16x20 inches.




Each print is enlarged to match the chart size on the print. So we have a fair 1:1 image size to compare .


I?m looking at the prints with a 7x loupe.


Here is how they stack up.


120 Tech pan is best.


The gigabitfilm in 35mm is very close to 120 Tmax, maybe too close to call.


F-11 is the optimum f stop for each lens determined by testing.

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.[. Z,<br><br>You have given us ample opportunity to see what a great visionary you are. You strawman of your own greatness. ;-)<br><br>But how about first looking what people are on about, then (and only then) throwing in your 2 p?<br>You obviously haven't followed the link the moderator has provided, else you would have known that the word "hoax" was not introduced by me.<br>And the "worse" bit? Well... "hyperbole", "misinformation", the general suggestion that it can't be anything.<br>That while we all know (or can, no, should know ;-)) what these types of films are capable of. It's not as if it's the first of its kind, is it?
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  • 1 month later...

I came back for a minute. I'm in the process of testing 4x5 gigabitfilm. I hope to have a report up on my web site in a couple of weeks with micoscopic results, resolution tests, and discussions with the inventor.

One thing I know for sure already is this is NOT retreaded copy film, but new technology. D-Max is only 1.65.

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