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Good Value Film in Paris


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For second hand cameras, check out the shops of the Boulevard Beaumarchais. This is the area where you will find most of the shops selling second hand photo gear in Paris. <br>I would recommend

<a href="http://www.cirquephotovideo.com">Cirque Photo</a>

and <a href="http://www.images-photo.com/">Images Photo</a>


Also try:

<a href="http://www.objectif-bastille.com">Objectif Bastille</a>

<br><a href="http://www.shop-photo-canon.com">Shop Photo Canon</a>


Most of the above website have an "occasions" section where they list what they have in stock. Currently, there does not seem to be many interesting lenses, but there are lots of digital and film bodies (eg: 9 EOS 1Ds at Objectif Bastille)


All these stores also stock film. The FNACs do not sell second hand gear anymore.


Chasseur d'Images magazine has a secondhand gear price guide <a href="http://www.photim.com/COTE/TABCOTE.ASP">here</a>

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I found a great place in the 9th. I think it's called profoto or photo pro. There are several different stores in the same two blocks, one specializing in film, another in used equipment, another in new, but they are all the same name and part of the same enterprise. The tri-x was less than $3 per roll, and they give professional discounts.

Good luck.

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