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Rating yourself

ivar olsen

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Some people just complain about ratings, others attempt to preserve the honesty of our "legacy" rating system. Carl falls into the latter category. His are not simple complaints but are concerns that address a real problem.<p>

As an experiment, I uploaded a photograph and tried to self-rate it. I tried every method that I could think of: visiting the Newest Critique Requests, looking at the RFC's, looking at the Critique Forum, on and on. I could not do it. Either the loophole has been fixed or it takes more ingenuity than I could muster. Self rating is not occurring by accident but by obvious design. This needs attention.<p>

Unfortunately, I remember how long it took the administration to correct the Golarka Subjugation. Four, maybe five months was it? Regards.

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I don't know exactly how it happened, but about 2 months ago while doing a "rate recent" I came across a post I had made just a few moments before. I rated it just to see if it would let me, figuring I would remove the rating afterwards. Annoyingly, it let me rate it, but gave me no way to change or remove the rating after the fact.


I think it may have had something to do with the timing. I did the rating just a few moments after I did the original post.

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I havent been here long but this thread is up there in terms of unbeleiveability! And poor Bob! Jees steady on there! If these guys need to rate themselves to get good ratings then have pity on them and get on with taking photos. Also hows rating yourself any different to saying to someone "Im really proud of this photo" or "I think this shot is ok I guess" Its just as easy to abuse this as it is for other members to rate your shots badly just to "have at you". Most of the time however you get around about what you deserve. Cant beleive Im wasting my time writing this but... meh :) Calm down people!
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Jay, we are not performing neural surgery here nor or we launching the STS into space. No one is going to die from the actions that we take on PhotoNet. But if an impropriety exists then it should be rectified, for the health of the PhotoNet Community and the continued viability of this site. After you have been here for a couple of years you will see that this is not a trivial matter and it can escalate quite rapidly. Regards.
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Its a bug. The software is supposed to not let you do it. It is a known problem that you can still do it by hacking around. I haven't closed this loophole because I consider it a trap for abusers.


I am surprised that people say they are seeing their own photos in the Photocritique UI, and I will investigate this. Is it the general Rate Recent Queue, or one of the category-based ones, or both?

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at least... a nice picture.

I think We're missing the point.


There is no reason for the author rating his own pictures, because what We look (I suppose) when We request an opinion is that OTHER PEOPLE could tell us what they think about our work (with respect and education, of course).


If, for example, I rate my own pictures 7/7... What am I gaining? I wouldn't be changing the opinion of anyone who don't like it. Moreover, I won't be able to know exactly if other people like it, because I mixed my own ratings.



I think it's a curious non-sense behaviour. At least, no punishment of any kind. Just let them go on rating their own work and live in the illusion of being a 7/7 photographers.

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