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External Viewfinders on Digicams


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Is anyone here using external shoe-mount viewfinders on their digital

cameras? I'm considering the purchase of a Voigtlander 28/35

auxillary finder for use on my Nikon 5400 and was curious as to anyone

else's experience with something like this.

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I haven't but it (an external finder) is one of the methods used by some folks with long zoom cameras with evfs to counter the evf delay in shooting dynamic subjects. The Nikon has an optical finder so there isn't a refresh delay to deal with. It looks like it would increase parallax up close but it would be centered (or more close to centered) over the lens axis but further away.
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I've been considering that viewfinder for my Ricoh GX also. If they are anything like the viewfinder brightness of my Bessa R, it should be a joy to use. The addition of the RF type frame lines I think would make for a unique digicam experience. I haven't followed through yet because of the cost. At $150.00 that's an expensive little item.


What I'm unsure of is exactly how the 3:2 aspect ratio will translate to the 4:3 of the digicam. I don't think that will be too difficult to visualize after a bit of experimentation, but the framelines won't be really accurate to use for composition. Then again the optical viewfinders on the digicams are not that accurate anyway.

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