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Most of my posts are in the EOS, Digital Camera/Darkroom forums.

Occasionally, I would like to post with *images*.


What would the image source path be? If I use the folder in my

portfolio called Forum ref pix the images change names as soon as

they are posted.


What is the best way to post in HTML format including images?


Thank you!



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Here's a picture taken with the MICRO Nikkor 55mm f/2.5 mounted on a Canon 10D via a Nikon-EOS adapter...






md.jpg"><br><i>Micro Nikkor - 10D</i></center>


The MED didn't work as it displayed the full size file so, I am going to try the thumb size now.




src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/2964762-sm.jpg"><br><i>thumbnail size</i></center>


So, unless there is a way to make the pictures load in MEDIUM size I will jkust upload images destined for this purpose in smaller size.


Thank you so much.



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Looks like you've cracked it. Just remember the difference between the two urls one can access when viewing an image (your eye photo for example)


1. http://www.photo.net/photo/2964762 This url display a web page with an image and some text and functionality (add a comment).


2.http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/2964762-lg.jpg is the url of the image which is loaded by the above url (you can see this by viewing the source code of the above url)


Dont know how to implement clickable thumbnails though - I would have thought you would need to write code that traps the on-click event.


It would be nice to see more images on the Canon forum :=)

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