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Exposure Log

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I do, but only when I'm running specific tests in a new or unusual

situation. And in these situations, my "log" sometimes consists of

putting a post-it note with exposure data somewhere on the edge

of the scene where it will show up in the final photo. That way,

I never have trouble matching up my notes with the proper negative.

When I'm running such tests, I usually don't need for the final

images to be beautiful, so I don't mind the post-it note.


But in ordinary situations that I've seen many times before,

I wouldn't learn anything new from an exposure log, and I don't

normally keep one.


Keep one when there's a good chance you'll learn something from it.

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I don't feel a need to keep track. I can guess fairly acurately what aperture I used in my photos. When I'm experimenting, I keep a mental note more of the variance from meter readings than actual exposure information. And in those cases, I'll shoot a sequence starting with less exposure where the middle exposure is the meter reading. Keeps things simple. :)


If I felt so inclined, I could download all the info from my camera. The last 100 rolls, if I recall correctly. But I can't imagine how I would use that much raw data.




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