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Sorry..don't know if this is the right place but..


If I post a picture and it is rated I see "members who rated this directly"

and above that there are other ratings "summary of ratings".

Why can't I see who rated me in these? From what I understand you have to be

logged in to rate? So what is the difference of "members who rated this

directly" and "summary of ratings".


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This is for the peoplewho rated you in the "Rate recent photos" forum. I wish they were identified as well as the people from the Critique Requests Forum, especially when they like to leave 3s with no comments. Usually, if I see a photo that I don't care for there, I just skip it.
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Its not a matter of people having the same taste, but people taking the time to consider

one photo at a time for its individual strength/weakness and not just slam it because its

not eye candy or what they like. as I've said before, there are many assembly line raters

out there just killing time and do no one any service by means of a critique. i agree, if you

don't subscribe to a style, then skip it, or at least explain why you don't like it.

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sp, of course I didn't mean that.. It's great that we all have different opinions but like J.K said I believe..

For me, as an amateur, I would really like to know any thing there is in order to make a picture better, and by just getting a average rate doesn't tell me anything..

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With all due respect, how can photo.net ratings help ANYONE become a BETTER

photographer? They are just pairs of numbers that reflect the diverse opinion of strangers

in regards to each particular photo that is rated.


If your photo is of poor and mundane quality and it receives many 3/3 ratings, how does

that help you become a better photographer? If your photograph is nice but nothing

special, yet other photographers who want to get on your good side, rate the photograph

with 7/7's, how does that help you become a better photographer?


The ratings are just very concise opinions (sometimes honest opinions, sometimes not) of

how other people feel about your photograph. Now more, nothing less.


The written critiques are far more valuable in helping you learn how to be a better


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Peter, you are missing my point.. I agree that just the rating will not help me become a better phographer and that the qritique is alot better.. What I'm saying is that it seems like alot of people are "speed-rating" just to get to the next picture.. Sometimes you see a really good picture with 7 "3/3" ratings and the same picture has almost only good reviews from members that rated it directly and also wrote what they liked and not liked..
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Esbjorn, yes people have different tastes, and it can be hard to understand how an image you like would be rated lower by someone else. But your logic is faulty if you automatically assume that malice was involved, or worse, that you believe you can determine <I>for other people</I> what images do and don't deserve 3/3's.


I can almost guarantee that we don't have the same taste. As an example take <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/1237451">this image</a>. I would rate it 7/7, tell me honestly how you would rate it. And if you feel it deserves a lower rating is there really anything I should assume about you other than the simple fact that you don't appreciate it in the same way I do?


There is a simple solution: if ratings without critiques bother you then submit your images for critique only.

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sp, you are right, we don't have the same taste, and as I'm been trying to say I LOVE THAT people don't...I'm only afraid that people doesn't take the time to really look at a picture before rating it..

You are also right in that I should not put my pictures up for rating..

All in all, I see your point.

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