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Is my lens badly damaged?

stephane camus

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as I was trying to remove a filter from my 35mm Summicron (1980 -

Canada), it suddenly broke loose. So now the barrel is rotating. The

part with the aperture ring is turning 360 degres and is loose. It

looks as if the lens is about to come appart. The diaphragm is still

working and the focusing is still operating. But of course the lens

cannot function this way.

I will take it to Leica service as soon as I can, but does anyone have

an idea of how bad is the damage?





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Hah, mine's doing that now. Apparantly they are glued in. What happened was mine crumbled away and I had to have a new barrel put in. I got that back and 2 weeks later, the glue came loose, so he said to bring it by whenever I'm up that way. It rotates 360 degrees, so the lens hood turns, but the repairman said there was no mechanical danger and the focus would be fine. So far that's been true. This is the 3rd time I've had trouble with the barrel on that lens, so I'm not one to believe in some sort of Leica uber/quality in construction in the newer stuff. Mines a 4th version pre-asph. That said, I love the lens and it has been my main lens for a while, overtaking the 50.
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I don't know your lens, but my old 28 Elmarit had the lens elements and the focus mount designed and built separately from each other. There was a retaining ring on the back of the lens that was the "nut" that held the whole thing together. Once in a while it would come loose, and I'd have to realign the lens and tighten in down. The way to recognize it is that when you turn the front, a ring in the back with two cuts in it, opposite each other, spins. That's the retaining ring to tighten. No big deal.
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I have a 50 cron, same thing happened to me while focussing. Scared me lot, but after posting here I learnt that it's fine, that lens is supposed to be able to unscrew the lens from the focussing mount (for visoflex or some other exotic option).


If your lens is so easy to unscrew, rest assured that it's meant to be that way. Lenses are very hard to take apart where theyare not supposed to. Screw it back together and enjoy..

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