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A new way to rate & comment "top-rated" pictures


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I was just wondering whether there could be a new way to rate and

comment TRP pictures - at least for some of the TRP searches, i.e, by

priority: 3 days > average :: month > average :: 3 months >

average :: all > average.


The new way to rate that I am looking for would be the way we already

have when we choose to "Rate Recent" uploads.


The reason why I'm requesting this is the following: it is very

troublesome right now to view all these search results pages, you

have to click on thumbnails one by one. Because it is so troublesome,

I'm sure many members, including myself, have no interest in rating &

commenting top-rated images in bulks. So we just click here and there

to view a couple of shots. Yet, more ratings and comments would be a

very good thing in order to have better TRP pages.


Agreed ? Disagreed ?


To the photo.net administration: would it be possible/useful to

implement something like this...?

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I had thought about that - or something along the same lines - before.


One way could be to have drop-menus under every photo in the various TRP displays (not by default, but after clicking a 'rate these photos') so that one can rate en masse. Another way is what you describe: the standard serial rating interface, but giving you different selections of photos than the current one.


It is a great idea and many of use would make could use for it BUT: It could end up unbalancing the distribution of ratings even more than it is unbalanced now. If it is easier to rate a lot of photos from the TRP, or if the ratings interface gives you the option to feed you 'better' photos than a random selection, these will not only become the most popular ways to introduce ratings to the system; they will result in an inordinately bigger proportion of ratings for this small set of photos as opposed to ratings that go to newly submitted ones. The ratings on the newly submitted photos are vital for the system, because they kick-start the whole process, and without directing some random traffic to them, the system is even more given in the hands of the mate-rating cliques who give each other rates within hours of uploading the photos.


Just a thought. I'm not dismissing the idea. Actually I'd like to have a facility like the one you describe. I'm just not sure about the overall effect of something like that.

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<p>"...Yet, more ratings and comments would be a very good thing in order to have better TRP pages..."

<p>theres now a sortable (by number of ratings, including zero, and by category, including all) browse facility for new critique requests... <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/pc-thumbs" >browse recent critique request thumbs</a>... so if YOU wish to have an impact on the TRPs BEFORE the mate-raters establish THEIRS or mates works as the standard bearers then all you have to do is browse the new requests and pick YOUR 'expert' bests. otherwise your votes will just rejuggle which photos make the top TRP pages

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