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Tamrac Velocity 7


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Just got a Tamrac Velocity 7 sling bag for xmas. Looks cool.


I am a bit unfamiliar with this type of camera bag, and I was

wondering about other people's experiences. Is it really convienient

to sling around and whip out a slr? Does it look too much like a

camera bag when walking in "shady" areas or going on a subway?


My current bag is an Expedition 3, which is a basic backpack that

you have to unzipper to get out the goodies. It generally holds a

SLR with zoom lens, two primes and a flash unit. When needed, an

extra flash hangs in a pouch in front, or a honking telephoto will

be strapped in a seperate side case.


And before anyone asks: yes, I did search the archive. Not very




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I've had a Velocity 7 for about a year now. I find it very convenient to whip around from my back to the front, pull out a camera, and fire. I even used it at a couple of friends' weddings and was swapping lenses back and forth very easily. The fact that a longer lens can only fit on the body, in the middle of the bag is a bit restrictive, but otherwise it's a great bag.


I don't know whether it looks like a camera bag or not. I'd wager that, by itself, it doesn't look particularly like a camera bag. But, as they say, any bag looks like a camera bag the second you take a camera out of it...



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It probably looks more like a messenger bag. The fact that the strap goes across your chest makes it easy to run for your life, if you need to, without worrying that the bag will fall off your shoulder. There also is a small strap that you can run around your waist -- I've used it once or twice.


I do like that you can pull it to the front and retrieve what you need, and you don't have to lean to one side to keep the bag from slipping off your shoulder.

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