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Pentax 18-55 3.5/5.6 kit lens vs. Sigma 18-50 3.5/5.6

r.t. dowling

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I don't have either lens, but comparisons can be done on several attributes. Which are most important to you? Build quality, sharpness, focusing speed, ???


Web searches are probably your best bet, since nobody's offering much here (so far).


I'll make one comment though---it's tough to beat the Pentax SMC lens coating. Thought by many to be the finest in the business.

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First, I cannot say anything about the Sigma lens but I have the Pentax version.


The patent protection of the Pentax SMC coating has vanished a long time ago, so all manufacturers use multi coating nowadays.


The Pentax 18-55 has been ranked among the best digital kit lenses available (only Nikon have one of parallel quality).

However, this does not make the 18-55 very good. You must stop it down to f:8 to get acceptably good sharpness and the geometric distortion at the wide angle end is simply too strong. However I suspect that a Sigma with the same price tag is no better.


The Pentax 18-55 is as good as a low-cost kit lens can be. You will be quite satisfied in normal shooting if you remember the limitations (no low light photography, no landscapes with flat horizon).

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> The patent protection of the Pentax SMC coating has vanished a long time ago, so all manufacturers use multi coating nowadays.


Somewhat correct. The base patents on *multicoating* have expired. That does not mean that all multicoated lenses are the same. The genuine Pentax SMC process, developed in partnership with Zeiss, is still proprietary and second to none.

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No comparison. The Pentax is better built (including a metal lensmount), has better features (including full-time manual focusing) and is optically superior.


The Sigma is inferior to the crappy Nikon and Canon 18-55's.

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I'm really impressed by Pentax 18-55mm when I first picked it up. It's no Canon L, but for $100, the build quality is surprisingly good. Plus Full time manual focusing, how can you ask for more?


I had Sigma 18-55 a while back. It's not in the same league as Pentax in terms of build quality and handling.

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