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PS CS file goes from 356MB to 850MB when burning

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Thanks guys. This is my master file, that I want full capability to edit all layers

in maximium bit depth at a later date. Operating on a Mac G5, OSX, PS CS.

Photoshop says the file is only 365MB, that's why I'm asking what is

happening in the translation to burning the file. I'll try to view the file size

another way as suggested on my Mac other than through Photoshop as

suggested. Not sure where, but I'll poke around now to see.



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Yea, I just opened up the info outside of Photsohop, and yes it confirms it's

850MB. Yikes! In Photshop 6 operating in 8 Bit mode (Mendel - Photoshop

allows both 8 and 16 bit mode now to operate in, giving more color

information to retain) I've been able to fit 2 psd files on each 700MB cd. Still

not sure why Photoshop lists the file size as only 356MB? I also back up to a

Lacie external HD, but I like the additional security of having another CD

back-up, especially because if there's a failure it only affects the two images

on the Cd, rather than all the images on a HD. I guess I'm going to have no

choice but to back-up to two external HD's to have any security.


Thanks again, Dana

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<p>This is what the Photoshop help file has to say about the document sizes that are displayed:


<blockquote><i>Document Size to display information on the amount of data in the image. The number on the left represents the printing size of the image--approximately the size of the saved, flattened file in Adobe Photoshop format. The number on the right indicates the file's approximate size including layers and channels.</i></blockquote>


You need to look at the second number if you want to know what the saved file size will be.</p>

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"Thanks guys. This is my master file, that I want full capability to edit all layers in

maximium bit depth at a later date. "


If you are retaining the layers then, yes, it will definitely be larger than the 350MB that you

expect since each layer is adding information.


Personally, I scan at 16 bit, make level and color adjustments and then downsize to 8 bits.

I save this as a TIFF and treat that as my master. I truly think that is adequate for all but

the most exacting applications.

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Thank you all again for taking the time to respond. I have to agree Rolfe with

the 8 bit file probably being adequate, as I've been operating in 8 bit in PS6

for a couple years and been very pleased with the results. I wonder exactly

what I'll be giving up though. Is it the ability to reproduce difficult colors, or to

pull detail from shadows? I always try to save the most I can with my master

file, so I don't need to go back and start from scratch, hence the term "master".


Dana/<a href="http://www.whitemountainphoto.com">


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