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Been buying most of my Blad stuff out of Atlanta. Recently, several separate

orders had to be returned for various reasons; defects, wrong merchandise. It

has gotten to the point that the UPS Store guy and I are on a first name basis.

I am not kidding. Looking for a new retailer; Adorama won't ship anything to

be held b UPS for delivery, so they're out. B&H always seem a bit (read: WAY)

too pricey for me.


Any suggestions (other than Ebay) for obtaining good, used Hasselblad gear? I

am looking for a body (500, 501) and a 120mm Macro. Oh...and service is a REAL

consideration. Thanks.

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KEH is a very reputable dealer. They offer a 14 day return policy and a 60 day warranty on the used camera equipment they sell. I have many customers who have purchased used Hasselblad equipment from them, and I think it's safe to say that most of these people were happy with their purchases. But I also have customers who weren't happy with the equipment that they purchased from KEH. In some instances, the equipment that they purchased wasn't even working properly. I know of a number of cases where the equipment was returned to them for repair. And when the customer received the repaired unit back, it still wasn't working properly. KEH claims to be the largest used camera dealer in the country, and they probably are. But the downside of this is that due to the volume of equipment they sell, they don't always have the time to check out the equipment before they sell it, to insure that it is working properly.


Some people who purchase used equipment from KEH send the equipment to me to clean, lubricate and adjust. But this, of course, adds to the cost. So a low purchase price isn't always really a bargain.


Because they are a very reputable company, there is no risk involved with doing business with them. Still, it is very disheartening to lay out your money to purchase used equipment, only to take a chance that the equipment may have mechanical defects when you receive it.


I am a factory trained Hasselblad technician with 30 years experience servicing the Hasselblad system exclusively. I also sell used Hasselblad equipment. I clean, lubricate and adjust all of the Hasselblad equipment before I sell it, and replace any worn parts. I offer a 7 day return policy, and guarantee everything that I sell for 6 months.


When I price the equipment that I sell, I base my prices on what KEH charges for the same item. In most cases, you'll find that my prices are in line with what KEH charges. In some cases, however, my prices are slightly higher than theirs. This is because I either paid a premium for the equipment, or had to replace some expensive parts.


In the long run, however, you will end up saving money when you purchase the equipment from me. This is because you won't have to spend more money to have the equipment cleaned, lubricated and adjusted. I do this before I sell the equipment. When you purchase used Hasselblad equipment from me, you can be assured that it is in top notch working condition. In the unlikely event that an item that you purchase from me should need repair within 6 months, there is never a charge for parts or labor, assuming, of course, that the equipment has not suffered water or impact damage.


David S. Odess


Factory trained Hasselblad technician



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As a followup to Darla's post in which she said "I can't say too many good things of David Odess."


I believe that she meant to say "I can't say enough good things about David Odess" based on her comments.


Just wanted to clarify if down the road some may misunderstand her comments.



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Hmmm...can't seem to get this name change to work....

anyway, just bought a Blad body and metered prism from Davis...arrived in better than expected condition, and they both seem to be working rather well. Thanks for the suggestion.

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