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Recently burgled, how do you secure your equipment?


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A few days ago I was burgled. Miraculously the thieves where caught and the

stolen goods retrieved. What?s the chance of that happening again?


My question is this. How do you protect your equipment? My intention is to buy

a safe which will fit at least 2 or 3 camera bags, as they are, so that I can

carry them from my car straight to the safe. I feel that this is the only way

that I can reliably use a safe. I can't see myself using a small safe where I

need to remove camera components from a camera bag so that the components fit

in a safe. That would just not work.


Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.




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If you're going to get a safe make sure it's securely attached to something! My folks were unlucky enough to be burgled last year. That said they had their valuables stashed in various places around the house. One room was trashed, and then they found the safe..... They somehow managed to lug the thing down the stairs and out of the house and took it away. They ran out of time for anything else so my folks got off lightly. The only thing in the safe was the deeds to the house..... a pain to replace but not financially painful.


A safe is a good idea alongside decent insurance just in case.





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A thought on the safe. Many safes can hold moisture in them, you would want to be sure that the air is dry in there if you are storing camera equipment. This is especially true for fire safes.


I have all my gear scheduled. If it?s stolen or if I drop it in the river, its covered. It costs some but I don?t have to worry.



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