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Please confirm what I already know about 20D vs. D70 (We all love these threads, admit it)

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I'm getting a new DSLR for a Christmas / birthday present - lucky me! I am trying to

decide between the D70 and 20D. I have a FM3A body, two AI lenses, and the AF 50/

1.8, so I am already a Nikon person. However, the 50/1.8 is the only lens that works

with the D70, if I want to use the camera meter, so I don't really have much invested

in lenses from that perspective.


I am an 'advanced-amateur' or whatever it's called. I'll only ever print 10x12 or

smaller, and only for myself and friends or family.


The kit lens for the D70 is a great deal and a good all-purpose lens, while the 20D kit

lens seems merely adequate.


The D70 is cheaper.


So is there any reason I should opt for the 20D? The difference between the 8mp vs.

6mp bothers me, even though it surely makes no difference for the kind of work I do.


There's this little voice that keeps saying, "8 megapixels, 8 megapixels, get the

Canon, get the Canon..." Help me get over this stupid megapixel hang-up!

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Just get the D70. Kit cheaper by about $700-1000 and you already do have an extra lens (50/1.8); so that is another $50.

<p>The little voice- tell it to shut up.

<p>Chris's advice isn't bad as well; but again, if you must get a DSLR, get the D70. If money is not a constraint get the 20D.

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There are lots of rational reasons to choose one over the other. I'm sure you've read

them all. But IMHO, amateurs should just get what makes them happy. It sounds like

you'll be happier with a higher pixel count and perhaps other attributes of the 20D.

Why fight it? :)


Enjoy whatever you pick.

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It is a present, right? Ask for the 20D, sell it, and get the D70 and a good prime lens with the difference. That is, unless you prefer the 20D or care about whoever is going to treat you. ;)</p>

No, seriously. The 20D seems a terrific camera, don't get me worng. I got a D70 a few months ago and am happy with it. Could it be better? Sure it could. But I did not care to pay for the difference. I already owned a FM3A as you do, and I appreciate being able to share the lenses and switch from digital to film at will; although that excludes AI and DX lenses. Do you plan to keep the FM3A? </p>

Regarding resolution, do you really need 8 megapixels? Consider the largest size you pretend to print, that should hint you. 6 is plenty for me, although I appreciate it when in need of a tight crop.</p>

As Zhi-Da says, enjoy whatever you choose.

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And I am planning on keeping the FM3A (I never want to part with that camera). The

D70 kit lens won't work with the FM3A, and the AI lenses won't work on the D70. So

lens swapping is limited to the 50/1.8. Though it's possible I'll buy some non-DX AF

lens in the future that could work on the FM3A and D70.


I keep going around in circles...

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Get the D70. I am a Nikon guy and did and I just bought a lense that I can use on both it

and my trusty Nikon 8008.


This means that my new 15mm is equal to 15mm on the 8008 and it becomes a 22.5mm

on the D70.


I have made some bery nice 8x10 prints with the D70 so far, but to honest not anything

larger yet.


Also, I bought the D70 with the lens kit and that lens has been excellent so far.


Good Luck.


Mark Sablow

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Thanks Mark.


One thing I forgot to mention. I'm living in Japan now, and I'm probably returning to

the U.S. next year for about a year. Then I may go abroad again or stay in the States.

I've seen people mention that Canon has an 'international warranty' that is honored in

any country, while Nikon has a country specific warranty. Am I getting this right?

Please set me straight if not.


This isn't a major factor, but something else floating around in my mind.

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AKAIK, Canon may honor film camera or lens warranties internationally, but Canon DSLR warranties are country/region specific. There have been several threads from people who bought a DSLR overseas, only to find out the warranty is not valid back home.
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I have the EOS-10D, and if I do the traditional things right, exposure, steady camera, good light, focus and so forth I can print to the equivalent of 17x25 and it will look good on MOST subjects. Here's the but. On some subjects (a friends fluffy black dog is one example) things start to fall apart somewhere around 8x12. Digital cameras DO work better (IMO) than most 35mm film for most things, but the fact is that film and digital are different and some rare (for me) sorts of things really show dSLR limitations.


Yes, it's that old 'extremely high frequency content' comment again. So, while the additional MP isn't a panacea, I wouldn't brush it off as pointless either. As a second point, I'm still training my eye to see things correctly, or to see composition. After the fact I often see a great shot inside a shot I took, and that means cropping. Need I say more?


In any case, I think they're both great machines. Have fun.

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Go with the D70 w/ kit lens. With $100 rebate plus the $500 saving comparing with 20D. Put the $600 into a inflation index fund to hedge the falling USD and rising oil. By 2010, you will be happy to get a new full frame 24MP D700 for the money you saved.
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You don't seem to have held either of these cameras in your hands.




See which has a better laid-out design, which operating system is faster and more

intuitive to you.


See if the D70's much-dsicussed 'tunnel vision' is a problem for you.

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Well I went to the camera store and spend a good half hour playing with the two

cameras. It really is a matter of personal preference, and I appreciate all the people

who emphasized the importance of the feel of the camera. I've decided on the 20D.

The ergonomics of the D70 were impressive, but I preferred the 20D's control layout

and the viewfinder (which is important to me).



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